Care OS
New Appointment Type - Activities
Release date:
Apr 1, 2024

Activities are calendar events that do not include the client, but are assigned to a client. This means that the event will be assigned to a client or group, but they will not be informed of it, and will not receive a calendar invite. This covers a gap in our calendar feature where practitioners want to invoice their clients for activities outside of regular appointments, but have no way to track them.
Added new type of appointment, controlled in the calendar settings on the Appointment Types page
No set date/time, delivery mode, or room requirement
Pre-set duration and rate, with checkbox to allow change
Added ‘Activity’ option to inline booking popup in calendar
Can be assigned to a client or group
If the duration setting in the appointment type is set to not allow change, only the start time can be changed
If the rate setting in the appointment type is set to allow change, there will be an input to set the rate, prefilled from the appointment type
Can be set to ‘Free’ to allow regular appointment bookings, or ‘Busy’ to block the calendar slot
✅Activities are viewable in the client’s profile or group’s details, and can be added to invoices.
❌Activities cannot be booked in the regular appointment booking modal
❌Clients are not informed of activities when they are created, updated, or cancelled, and do not receive reminders for them
❌Activities do not show up in the client portal, and activity types cannot be booked in Engage flows and the client portal booking flow